Systems Thinking organisations
Below you will find a number of organizations that are also involved in systems thinking. If your organization does the same and you would like to be listed, please contact me.
‘Leren in Verbinding’ (Dutch)

Learning in Connection supports schools and school boards in their development. They do this based on the philosophy of the learning organization and the insights about living systems. Learning in Connection consists of two people: Marjolein van der Klooster and Corrinne Dekker. Both have their background in education. They work together with various partners. An important principle of Learning in Connection is the concern for cohesion within a school system.
‘De Lerende Schoolleider’ (Dutch)

There is a lot going on at schools. How do you keep an overview as a school leader? What choices do you make to increase quality and reduce workload?
How can you do that when the daily work takes up your time?
Create focus and a professional culture in which people enjoy working together! From a common vision the team works on clear goals.
They would be happy to work with you to get started on this.
With The Learning Organization as a source of inspiration, we offer clear advice, sustainable support or temporarily a few extra hands.
Waters Centre

They help people understand what systems thinking is and how to incorporate the Habits, tools and concepts of systems thinking into their work and life to achieve desired results.
The Systems Thinker

The Systems Thinker has been published by Pegasus Communications since the early 1980’s. Daniel Kim and Colleen Lannon were essential in launching this valuable publication and it has been carried forward by many capable hands over the years. In 2013, Pegasus Communications went through bankruptcy proceedings and The Omidyar Group purchased the assets to ensure continued access to all of the great material published over the years.
With the launch of, they hope to drive much broader adoption of this insightful material. Their intention is for the site to be an archive of already published material. At this time, they’re not planning on publishing new material.

To change a system for the better, we must first understand what causes it to function the way it does.
Systems thinking is an effective approach for tackling the complex, interdependent challenges that characterize our modern world. Instead of looking at individual aspects of a problem in isolation, a systems approach looks at how different parts of a system interact.
Ideo U

People are at the heart of every complex human system – but they’re often the most overlooked. Effective problem solvers today know how to visualize the larger dynamics of the system while staying grounded in the needs of people. In this course, you’ll learn to combine the analytical tools of systems thinking with the creative mindsets of human-centered design to make sense of complex systems challenges. Explore mapping tools to identify the right places to focus, surface insights about your stakeholders, and pick the most impactful solutions to experiment with so you can go beyond the obvious and design lasting solutions.