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Vertaal in Nederlands

Mind Map Maker


The original program is build by D. Richard. He built this in open source html5.You can find this version here:

In Dutch this app is made by Master Steeef.You can find this version here:

Abdul Azeem has further developed this app and added a lot of functionality to it.You can find this version here: 

The version of Abdul Azeem has been further developed by order of Brainpartner by Madho Singh van Harsh Technology

This is the version that the Dutch manual is made for:

License rightsDavid Richards / mindmaps is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Permissions of this strongest copy-free license depend on making available full source code of licensed works and changes, including larger works that use a licensed work under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be retained. Contributors offer an explicit grant of patent rights. When a modified version is used to offer a service over a network, the complete source code of the modified version must be made available.

Wie zijn wij?

drs. Robert Pastoor, specialist mindmappen in het onderwijs

drs. Robert Pastoor

Nico Pisa

Nico Pisa

drs. Robert Pastoor

Mijn naam is Robert Pastoor

Ik ben onderwijspsycholoog en specialist mindmappen in het onderwijs; zowel met mindmappen op papier als mindmappen op de computer.

​Nico Pisa, is ruim 40 jaar werkzaam geweest in het primair onderwijs, waarvan vele jaren als directeur.

Onze passie is kinderen, leerlingen en studenten mindmappen te leren gebruiken om beter te onthouden en beter te presenteren. 



KvK: 172984891


drs. R. Pastoor

Zandsteeg 27

4255 SE  Nieuwendijk

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